パーソナリティの中のspiritual Element

We will now turn to the spiritual elements that come down like rays of sunlight into the human personality-into our personal consciousness-and form a link between our ordinary human personality and the spiritual 'I~ the spiritual Reality. They are like rays of light pouring down, taking on various shades of colour and dispersing, depending on the permeability or the transparency of our personal consciousness.

次に、人間性=私たちの個人的の意識に差し込む太陽の光のようなthe spiritual elementsについて取り組みます。そして「人間の通常なパーソナリティ」と「spiritualな実体としての自分」とを結び付ける「つながり」をかたちづくる要素について取組みます。それらは、降り注ぐ光線のようなもので、われわれ個々の意識の透明度によって、様々な色彩を添えてくれます。


We have referred elsewhere to the moral sense as one of the aspects in which spiritual reality and the personal human consciousness are revealed. We have therefore dealt with the rational and intuitive mental consciousness as a means of contact between the personal consciousness and the spiritual reality of man. I We will now look at a third element that comes down from above to illuminate, enrich and animate human life. This is the sense of Beauty.

私たちは、別の所で、「人間のspiritualな実体」と 「個人の意識」がrevealされる「モラルの意識」に触れました。ここでは、個人的な意識とspiritualな現実の間を結ぶ手段としての、理性的で直感的な意識についてふれます。今ここでは、上から降りてきて、人間の生活を照らし、豊かにし、快適なものにする、三番目の要素について触れます。それは「美」についての感覚であります。


In order to fully understand the nature and power of beauty we need to remember the spiritual concept which states that everything that exists externally, in concrete form and individually is the manifestation, effect and reflection of a higher, transcendent, spiritual Reality. It is the great principle of involution or emanation. From a basic, original absolute reality, a series of levels of life, intellect, feeling and material life has developed, through gradual differentiation, to the point of inorganic matter. Thus every quality or attribute of the external world, of matter itself, and of the countless different creatures, is but a pale, obscure reflection of a quality or attribute of the spiritual Reality, the Divine Being. This is particularly true when it comes to Beauty.

「美」のもつ力と性質とを十分に理解するために、私たちは the spiritual concept を憶える必要があります。すなわち、すべて外界にかたちをもって存在するものそれぞれは、高次で、超越したspiritual な「Reality(存在)」が織りなして形となったものであります。それは、「Reality(存在)」の進化あるいは「広がり」であります。一つの源となる「Reality(存在)」から、あらゆる発達段階の生命・智慧・感情・物質的生活などが、次第に派生することにより、発達してきました。心の外の世界・物体・数え切れない生命体の質や属性は、the spiritual Realityすなわちthe Divine Beingの質や属性が、そのまま反映しているのであります。これは、「美」に関しては、特に事実であります。l See Bibliographical Notes, page 292. [Compiler's Note.] SPlRITUAL ELEMENTS= BEAUTY 251

The fact that beauty is the essential attribute of the Supreme, Divine Being has been recognized and proclaimed by thinkers since the dawn of history, and by the great mystics and by the most gifted artists of all ages. This has been affirmed particularly in the West by Plato, Plotinus and, in the Christian world, by the unknown mystic of the fifth and sixth centuries whose works have been attributed to Dionyges Areopagita. He wrote, 'The Infinite One is known by the name of Beauty' and defined God as 'The One who is essentially beautiful:

「美」はSupreme, Divine Beingのもっとも本質的な特性であるという事実は、哲学者・神秘家・最高に才能をもった芸術家達によって、認識され公言されてきました。特に西洋では、プラトンやプロティヌスによって認知され、キリスト教世界では、五〜六世紀の無名の神秘家達によって認知されて、Dionyges Areopagitaに影響を与えています。彼は、「永遠なるものは、美という名前で呼ばれています。そして、神を「本質的に美しいもの」と定義しています。


Thus in all that has been created there must be some vestige, some trace of this essential attribute of the Prime Creator. Indeed, according to this same Areopagita, everything that exists, since it derives its very existence from the One who is essentially Beautiful, retains in the arrangement of its parts some vestige of intelligible beauty.

このようにして、あらゆる創られたものの中に、the Prime Creator(もっとも始めに創造を司った存在)の基本的な特質の痕跡があります。確かに、Areopagitaによれば、「存在するあらゆるもの」は、「本質的に美しいもの」から産まれ、その部分の中に、認めることのできる「美」の痕跡を含んでいる。



But if we now move on to study the effects of the perception of beauty as manifested in mankind in general, we find ourselves faced with a certain paradox, an apparent contradiction. On the one hand we can say that among the attributes of God beauty is the most easily recognizable because it is the one first manifested in ancient times, the most tangible attribute, one that left its imprint in concrete, material forms, and the attribute that struck the senses and the imagination more directly than any other. On the other hand it is clearly the most dangerous attribute, one that more than any other ties man to matter and form, and one which more than any other produces in him the desire for sensory pleasure, the sense of selfish, separate ownership, an attribute that more than any other blinds and deceives man, enveloping him in the iridescent veils of maya those of the Great illusion- and thus the attribute which most distances him and keeps him separate from God, the deep Reality of Truth.



How can we explain this paradox? It is not difficult. Precisely because beauty is the divine quality that has assumed the most concrete expression, has been made tangible and manifested itself in matter, it is the one man can most readily abuse, without recognizing its noble origin. The quality of beauty is no longer related to its source, rather it has come to be regarded as a quality that resides in matter itself and in its concrete forms.


But there is another reason. It is the very intensity of the power and fascination that beauty exerts which produces overwhelming desires, unchecked passions and the lust for exclusive possession in a man who has not yet been purified or become master of himself. What can be done to correct this undesirable state? How can we prevent the nectar of beauty from becoming a mortal poison for man, and allow it instead to be or become what it ought in essence to be-the water of life, the elixir of immortality? There are two ways.



The first is that of negation, recognition of maya, or illusion, a firm detachment, and a suppression of any activity of the senses. It is the way that is sometimes referred to, somewhat inappropriately, as asceticism. The word asceticism has acquired what I would regard as rather pejorative connotations, because of certain excesses on the part of certain ascetics, but etymologically it has a better, wider meaning than this. In Greek it simply means 'exercise, discipline, training~ yet it has become associated with harsh imposition and privation.


This is the way that some orientals have chosen, the more rigid Buddhists in particular, and it is also the way of certain ascetic Christian mystics, from the anchorites of Thebaid to St Bernard who, when travelling through Switzerland, would shut his eyes so that the beauty of the lakes and the mountains would not distract him from his meditations, and all the way down to the curate who had qualms about smelling a rose. This is a way that very readily arouses our criticism and rebellion-it seems isolationist, inhuman, almost blasphemous. If we consider it impartially it can be a considerable short-cut, a violent yet powerful means of reaching the Supreme Being, having firmly severed all ties. Moreover it may be a necessary stage, or at least a useful one, along the path to detachment for those who are too easily allured by the desires of the senses, and for those who are enslaved to them and want to be released. But having said this it needs to be recognized that this way is not without serious drawbacks and that it is only suitable for a limited number of people.

これは、東洋のある人達が選択した方法です。より正確に言うと、仏教徒です。キリスト教でも、Thebaidの隠者やスイス中を放浪した、St Bernardといった、神秘主義者も選択した方法です。St Bernardは湖や山の美しさに瞑想の邪魔にならないように目を閉じたのです。そして、バラの香りに心を奪われる事に気を病んだ副牧師もいます。こういった点が、批判や反動を生みだして、孤立主義であるとか非人間的で冒涜的であるとさえ見なされたのです。公明正大に判断すると、それは、the Supreme Beingに到達する為の、暴力的ではあるが効果的な、考慮されてもよい近道なのです。


There is another easier, more harmonious and gradual way, however, and it too reaches the same noble goal. This is the way that leads to overcoming of exclusive, sensory attachment to beautiful things. It takes two forms: through the enlargement or inclusion, on the horizontal plane, of all forms of beauty, without showing exclusive or separatist preferences; and through^ elevation or sublimation, on the vertical plane, which raises one's eyes from the effect to the cause, from the expression to the essence, from_ the manifestation to the invisible source. This was admirably stated with clarity and precision by Plato in his Banquet.



One needs to progress from love of a beautiful form to love of all beautiful forms and of physical beauty in general, then from love of beautiful bodies to love of beautiful souls, beautiful actions and beautiful thoughts. As one ascends through moral beauty one will reach the point where a marvellous eternal beauty appears, free from any corruption, absolutely beautiful. This beauty does not consist of a beautiful face, a beautiful body, a thought or any particular science or art. It resides in no other being than itself, neither in heaven nor on earth it simply exists in itself in eternity and exists for itself in absolute perfect unity.




This ascendant way has been used and described by various Christian mystics, St Francis in particular (one need only think of his Canticle of the Creatures in which 'the Sun refers to God'), who also expressed it in delightful detail and gave orders that flowers be grown in the monastery so that all who saw them would be reminded of the Eternal Gentleness. It was also the way of St Rosa of Lima for whom the song of a bird or the sight of a flower had the immediate effect of lifting her soul to God, and St Francis of Sales was also a master of the art of transforming every natural, beautiful phenomenon into some form of reference to God, an analogy and a symbol of spiritual truth.

この上に高揚するという方法は、いろいろなキリスト教の神秘主義者達によって言い伝えられ使われてきました。とくに聖フランシスです。彼は「Canticle of the Creatures(創造物の賛美歌)」のなかで「太陽を神とみなしている」事を考えてください。彼はまた修道院に花を植えることを指示しました。それによって花を見る人が永遠の優しさを思い出すことがあるようにと考えたからです。この方法は、St Rosa of Limaの方法でもありました。この人にとっては、鳥の鳴き声や一つの花の姿が、彼女の魂を、直接的に神のレベルまで高揚させました。St Francis of Salesもまた、あらゆる自然の美しい現象を「神を示すもの」と意識を変えて行くことをしたマスターでした。それは、「精神面(spiritual)」での例え(アナロジー)としてであり、シンボリズムでした。


This indeed is the secret: to recognize that external things have no true value, significance or reality of their own, that they only serve to highlight or represent inner realities and spiritual qualities. This secret is expressed so incisively by Goethe at the end of Faust in a statement that sums up the whole meaning of the poem: 'Everything transitory is but a symbol.'



Now let us take a closer, more practical look at the different steps on the Platonic scale or ladder, and the ways in which one can rise from one step to the next.



The first, as we saw, is the transition from love of a beautiful form to love of all beautiful forms. By this expansion in a horizontal direction one gradually overcomes exclusive attachment, that jealous longing for the material possession of one particular form, of a single isolated creature. In one sense we can call this discovering the beauty of the world. Again this can be done in two ways. First of all it can be done directly in nature itself, by learning to notice the infinite variety and beauty of natural phenomena and learning to really see them. For this we need a detached attitude, a forgetting of one's own personality, the separate 'I' with its selfish preoccupations, we need to immerse ourselves in the object being observed and admired until we almost merge with it and become one with it. This is the simplest way of opening a crack or a chink in the tough skin of the separate 'I'__ It is a fairly easy way because all it requires is that we take one step towards an object and the intrinsic beauty of that object responds and attracts us-and the more it attracts us the closer to it we move and the more beauty we discover. Thus, little by little, we actually reach the point of coming out of ourselves, in search of communion between subject and object, and we reach that aesthetic contemplation which, as Schopenhauer puts it, has a 'liberating effect_ a form of contemplation he considered to be the greatest consolation available to suffering humanity.

最初の方法は、今まで考察してきたように、「一つの美しいものに対する愛」から「あらゆる美しいものに対する愛」へ移って行くことです。愛する対象を、水平方向に、拡大して行くことによって、個人が、排他的な執着を克服することになります。特定の「もの」や「生きモノ」にたいする嫉妬をともなった物質的な所有欲の克服です。ある意味では、この事を、「世界中の美を発見する体験」と呼ぶことができます。これにも、二つの方法があります。一つは、直接的に自然の中ですることが出来ます。自然現象の中に無限の種類の美しさを発見し学んで行くことです。これには、利己的な先入観や執着を離れた態度が必要です。自分自身を「見ている対象」に浸り、それと「一体感」が生まれるまで、賞賛することです。これが、堅い皮膚に被切り離された「私」にヒビを入れる最も簡単な方法です。この方法は、かなり簡単です。というのは、必要なことは、対象にさらにもう一歩近づく事です。そうすれば、特定のモノの持つ固有の「美」が、私たちを魅惑し引きつけ、より多くの美しさをその中に発見することになるからです。このようにして、少しずつ、「自分自身の殻」を破って出てくるところまで到達できます。主体(見るもの)と客体(見られるもの)の合一です。そうすることにより、「美的な瞑想状態」に到達するのです。ショウペンハウエルが「liberating effect解放効果」と言っているように、ある種の瞑想効果であり、人間の苦しみを支えてくれるものと見なしています。


First of all there are those natural objects which, because of their very obvious beauty, their attractiveness or grandeur, draw us to them and help us in our quest. One of the natural objects that is of great benefit in this connection is the sky. Here are some of the beautiful things expressed by one of the men who have seen the beauty of world to varying degrees: Ruskin.

まず、自然の対象があります。その明白な美しさ・魅力・華麗さ、私たちを引きつけ、「quest探求心」を援助してくれるのです。自然の対象で、大きな恩恵を与えてくれるものは、例えば「空 (そら)」です。ここに、美しい世界を体験したRuskinの引用です。


It is strange how unfamiliar people are with the sky. It is the part of creation in which nature, better than anywhere else, has expressed its desire to recreate man, to speak to his spirit and educate him. It is this educational aspect we know least about. Anyone, whatever his situation and however far he is from any other source of attraction or beauty has the sky at least at some point. The noblest of earth's wonders may only be seen and known by a handful of people, no one can live amongst them continuously; he would cease to notice them if they were always before his eyes. But the sky is for everyone. The sky is eminently suited, in all its aspects, to comfort and uplift the heart, to soothe it and free it from its impurities. Sometimes it is soft and gentle, at other times it can be or even sad-it is never the same from one moment to the next, always human in its passions, always spiritual in its tenderness, always divine in its infinity and grandeur. Its appeal to what is immortal in us is quite clear, and it performs the necessary task of chastening or wounding whatever is mortal in us.



The first step in our communion with nature, then, is with certain 'wonders' that attract us most. One then moves on to a general communion which is less individualistic: seeing that element of beauty in everything, in humble, everyday things-a blade of grass, a flower-even in things which at first glance seem to have no beauty.



It is this relationship, this solidarity, this unity which shines through the variety and multiplicity of things, giving them a sense of nobility and referring back to their origin. Some men have had the divine gift of seeing this hidden beauty in greater measure than others. It is as if things became transparent, illuminated from within-they are like thin veils which allow our eyes to glimpse and perceive something of the divine glory, a glory we would otherwise fail to see.



Already we have these different steps in the contemplation of nature: admiration of a particular object, some beautiful aspect of nature, followed by the first step out of ourselves, communion between subject and object, a sense of the beauty of all natural objects, then that perception of their profound unity, and lastly a revelation of the consequences of beauty in nature.



Another area is that of art. This is the true function and goal of art: to reveal the hidden beauty or the divine imprint in all things. The artist in a sense accentuates, draws out and reveals this beauty, so that those who would not otherwise notice it in nature by themselves are helped to do so through the eyes of the artist. The soul of the artist which experiences this beauty and expresses it in a new beauty, helps us to recognize the divine seal. And this is the touchstone- the difference between minor art, pseudo-art composed of external, artificial elements, and truly great art.

もう一つの分野は、「芸術」の分野であります。これは、芸術の本当の働き(機能)であります。どういうことかと言うと、あらゆるモノのなかに隠れている「美」すなわち「神が作用した痕跡divine imprint」をあきらかにすることであります。芸術家は、この美しさを、目立たせ、引き出すのであります。それですから、自分自身の力でそういう「美」に気がつかない人は、芸術家の眼にによって、美しさを体験する事が助けられているといえます。芸術家の魂は、この美しさを体験し、作品のなかに新しい美しさを表現している、そのことが「神のおこなった美の封印divine seal」に気がつけるようにしてくれるのです。そのことがすなわち、外面的で人工的な要素の強い小さなアートや偽物のアートと、本当の偉大なアートの違いを分けるタッチストーン(試金石)であります。



I will limit myself to these few comments on the matter, otherwise it would require a much fuller treatment, but I will, however, mention that this horizontal form of expansion, this revelation and manifestation of beauty in nature and in art has its limits and its dangers. One of the dangers is that of aestheticism which, however refined, always contains a degree of hedonism, a hint of sensuality, as though beauty were an end in itself, which takes too much delight and finds too exclusive an enjoyment in this aesthetic contemplation, and thus unjustifiably neglects the other aspects, the other qualities and attributes of the Divine that we need to discover and into our lives in order to achieve a full, all encompassing understanding of the Divine nature. There is also a limitation in terms of the formal, external aspects of beauty.

「もの」については、こういうコメントに限定したい。そうでないと、もっと全面的な扱いが必要になるからであります。しかしながら、この水平的な拡大について、述べるならば、自然と芸術のなかの「美」の顕れ方や働き方には、それ自体の限界と危険性を持っています。危険性の一つは、耽美主義であります。それは、どのように洗練されていたとしても、いつも「美しさ自体が最終目標であるかのようにとってしまう快楽主義」すなわち「官能主義」のかすかな兆候が含まれているのです。あまりにも排他的に「美」にたいして心を向け喜びを取りすぎることになるのです。そして、その結果、「神性」の他の分野の性質と属性が不公平に扱われてしまうことになるのです。私たちは、「神性the Divine」の性質と属性を発見し、包括的な理解を達成することが必要であります。この部分に、形式的で外面的な意味での「美」には、「限界」があります。


We must therefore move on to the step of inner beauty. In the case of beauty as perceived by the senses, this is clearly dependent on our attitude. An object can be a step, and thus a means of help for us to overcome an obstacle that is holding us back. The merit or lack of merit does not reside within the object, but within ourselves, in our inner attitude to that object.



Inner beauty, moral beauty, the beauty of sublime, harmonious thoughts, noble, generous sentiments and heroic deeds has been well described by Maurice Maeterlinck. Here are some quotes from the chapter entitled 'Inner Beauty' from his book The Treasure of the Humble, perhaps the most profound and exalted of his works.


Nothing is more eager for beauty than the soul, nor more susceptible of becoming beautiful ... A beautiful thought shut up within you, which you do not express though you perceive it, illuminates you like a flame inside a transparent vase.

内なる「美」、モラルの美しさ、崇高さや調和のとれた考え・寛容な感情・英雄的な行動の美しさについては、Maurice Maeterlinck.によってうまく表現されています。次にあげるのが、彼の本「The Treasure of the Humble」の中の「内なる美」からの引用であります。この本は彼の作品の中でもっとも、素晴らしく格調高いものであります。



Plotinus, having spoken of intelligible beauty in Chapter VIII of the fifth book of his Enneads, concludes:

We are beautiful when we belong to ourselves; we cease to be beautiful when we sink to the level of our lower nature. We are beautiful when we know ourselves; we cease to be beautiful when we do not know ourselves.




I do not in fact believe the nature and essence of moral beauty, of fine thoughts, noble sentiments and generous actions could be expressed better than at the level of what is individual and distinguishes one person from another.


It was Plato who revealed the third step to us: transition to the essential beauty which is above any form of beauty. A sense of the sublime helps us at this point.


Credit for having analysed this state of mind goes to Immanuel Kant. Whereas with normal beauty imagination and intellect act in agreement, when we come to the sublime they are opposed. Indeed the object is not sublime because it strikes our senses---the senses and the imagination feel powerless to reach it, as though it were something infinitely beyond the sphere of the senses. In the face of the sublime the savage flees, yet he cannot escape a sense of anxiety because the sublime impresses its material power on him. The emotion associated initially with the sublime is therefore depression, but the primitive sense of terror is followed by a deep satisfaction because the sublime arouses in us a sense of our moral greatness. Our feelings therefore change from depression to exaltation, from anxiety to enthusiasm.


There are two forms the sublime can take: the mathematical, what one might call the quantitative, expressed by its greatness in the form of expansion, and the dynamic, which reveals itself to us in the miracle of power. But as one moves deeper into an analysis of the sublime one in a sense comes into contact with the exalted, majestic, almost frightening aspect of divinity. This aspect has been clearly described by the deeply religious spirit of Leadoff Otto in his book The Sacred. He calls this aspect of the divine the 'numinousユ which he defines in clear terms and places great emphasis on.

崇高なるものは、二つの形を取ることがあります。:「数学的」 です。「数量的」と呼ぶことが出来るものです。すなわち、崇高なる美しさを「数量的な拡大」「力動的さ(ダイナミックさ)」という形で示してくれます。しかし、より深く「崇高なるもの」を分析して行くと、高尚で威厳があり、ほとんど畏れを感じる「神性」の側面につながるようになります。この「神性」の側面については、深い宗教的「spirituality(精神性)」を体験したLeadoff Ottoの著作「The Sacred」で深く述べられています。彼はこの「神性 devine」の側面を「numinous 不可思議・神秘的・神聖」と呼んで、大きく強調しています。

We have already referred to the two main aspects of divinity: Immanence and transcendence. They are both real and necessary, but taken individually they are one-sided: they need to be integrated or merged. When the aspect of immanence is given the upper hand there is the danger of diminishing or debasing the idea of the Divine and all its manifestations. Thus in the aesthetic field, when this aspect of expression and form prevails we have the graceful, the pleasant, the elegant and the cold perfection of the Parnassians and the Neo-classicists. In the religious field we have the sentimental mysticism and the personal love of God become man: too much man. In the area of thought we have the deification of man as man, as it is expressed in certain idealistic trends. When there is an exclusive emphasis on the transcendent aspect, on the other hand, there is too great a dualism: nature and God are placed in opposite corners and an artificial opposition is created between them between creation and Creator. There is then too wide a gap between man and God.

私たちは、すでに、「神性divinity」の二つの側面である「偏在性」と「超越性」について述べてきました。両方とも真実であり必要なものです。しかし、片方だけを取り上げると、片手落ちです。両方が統合・融合される必要があります。「宇宙偏在性=内在性」の側面が優位であると扱われると、「神性」という「アイデア」や「それがかたちとなって表われているもの」が、下がったり薄れたりする。このようにして、美学の分野では、「表現」と「造形」の側面が広がってゆくとすると、Parnassians and the Neo-classicists達の優雅で・心地のよく・洗練された「冷たい完全さ」を持つことになる。宗教の分野では、「感傷的な神秘主義」や「神が人間になった」という人間が全面に出過ぎた「個人的な神への愛」になります。思想の分野では、人間を人間のまま神聖視するのです。ある種の理想視する傾向の果てにそうなるのです。これとは逆に、「超越性」の部分にあまりにも強調があると、二元主義が強くなりすぎます。自然や神が、人間の反対側に追いやられるのです。「創造されたもの」と「創造主」の間に、人工的に対立が作られるのです。その結果、人間と神との間に、あまりにも広いギャップができるのです。

What is needed, as I said earlier, is integration--- a synthesis between the two, and in order to achieve this in practical terms we must accentuate the aspect which is most needed in ourselves or in the age in which we live. The prevailing tendency today is clearly on the side of immanence. It is the age of science, an age which to all outward appearances gives us an expandable sense of the sublime.


As the prevailing trends are extroversion and the search for truth and beauty, as well as for power, both in the external world and in nature, the need today therefore is to accentuate the other aspect: both we personally and mankind in general need to be called back to a sense of the transcendent, to feel again that shiver caused by mystery and by a sense of the infinite.



Here too I would recommend The Treasure of the Humble by Maeterlinck. The chapter on silence helps us to re-evaluate and stand back from the pettiness and bustle of the outward---facing lives almost all of us are caught up in. A renewed and long overdue sense of transcendence will take us straight to the great Reality; it will enable us to perceive the beauty that is above all forms, the beauty of which Plato spoke in his matchless prose-that eternal Beauty which exists eternally within itself, in its own absolute and perfect unity.


ここでも、メーテルリンクの「The Treasure of the Humble」を薦めます。この本の「silenceすなわち、静けさ」についての章が、私たちが評価をやり直すことの役に立ちます。外面的な「人・モノ・事」の「取るに足らない部分」や、「せわしさ」から離れて、見つめ直すことが役立つのです。長い間する事のなかった「超越的に感じること」をもう一度取り組むことにより、偉大な「現実reality」を直接的に体験するです。すなわち、あらゆる形の向こうに存在する「美」を感じるようになる事です。この「美」とはプラトンが、彼の無比の散文で語ったものです。あの永遠の「美」は、絶対の「もの」として・完全なユニットとして、それ自身で永遠に存在するのです。

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