Transpersonal Development

R.Asagiori 著






The title of this study may seem something of a paradox. Indeed, I can imagine the pessimists, those who denigrate modern life, and the prophets of decadence, such as Spengler, considering this title sadly ironic. We have to recognize, too, that the most obvious aspects of the first half of this century seem to justify them in their views l The external landscape has characteristics that are clearly materialist and often anti-spiritual .


The original text of this article was written in 1935; it was then republished in 1962. This chapter is based on the reprinted version. [Compiler's note.]



At the start of the century, there was a rapid development of technology, a growing appreciation of and ever more determined quest for material well-being, the worship of money and its growing prestige and power, and the view that success in life was an indication of one's individual worth.

This thirst for gain and power, individual and collective ambition, dreams of material strength, rivalry, lack of understanding and mutual fear between nations culminated in the terrible world wars. After these came the turbulent post-war years: the spread of violence, unrestrained economic greed, sexual licence, the thirst for pleasure, the squandering of easily gained money, and harsh conflicts both within and between nations.

In the area of culture we see a lack of concern for the traditional values and ideals, a growing preoccupation with science, the focus of people's attention being directed almost exclusively at the external world, and philosophies characterized - consciously or unconsciously by materialistic, positivist and realist elements. And as regards individual and social life we see the exaggerated importance of sport, the cult of the physical body and of its power and skills. A boxer can now command hundreds of thousands of pounds for one fight and a football match can attract more than one hundred spectators!

Even popular uprisings calling for national and social reform, though often inspired by lofty ideals, have been marked by demonstrations of physical force: they have been aggressive and violent, they have been mass movements, they have reaffirmed what are nothing more than earthly values, such as attachment to land and race, and they have placed political, economic and organizational problems at the centre of the stage.

This brief summary will demonstrate that I have no illusions and no idealized view of the present century. But it is not enough to list such phenomena, and it helps even less to criticize and deplore them.







Every student and observer of life has a duty to understand what he sees, and in order to understand phenomena he must not stop at the level of their outward manifestation or consider them in isolation---and more importantly he should not take up an ill-considered position either for or against them. One needs to get rid of prejudices and to put aside one's normal reactions and personal preferences.

If we attempt this for the twentieth century it takes on a very different complexion: behind its pained, twisted features we glimpse a new soul, and we see a new light shining in its eyes.

First of all we need to see the twentieth century in the context of the nineteenth century from which it followed on. We will remember that, particularly during the last few decades of the 1800s, it was far from spiritual beneath the humanist veneer and behind the idealism to which it gave verbal assent. The life of society was dominated by a bourgeois outlook. Philosophically it was materialist, positivist or skeptic. In terms of literature it was realist, sensual, romantic and decadent. In general culture was intellectual, and intellectualism is not spiritual, indeed it is one of the most insidious hindrances to spirituality. In other words the nineteenth century had lost contact with the forces of' life, both natural and spiritual, and had found its way into a blind alley.





The 'revolt of the earthly forces' then, as Keyserling aptly describes them, the reawakening of instinctive, primitive, irrational forces, which were nevertheless wholesome and life-giving, came as a reaction, a return to our origins ----and this was necessary if man was to escape from the cul-de-sac he found himself in, and if civilization was to be rescued from a dangerous decadence and decay.

But this is an inadequate justification for assessing the contribution of the twentieth century. We need to ask ourselves some searching questions about it. Are there any clear signs of spirituality alongside the phenomena we have already listed? Is it possible to spiritualize the earthly forces that have been unleashed? And how?

Keyserling という人が 「大地の力の革命=revolt of the earthly forces'」という言葉でうまく述べています。時代の反作用として、「源へ帰ろうという力」として、「本能的で・原始的で・理性として扱えない力」が甦ったのです。それらの力は問題を含んではいるけれども、包括的であり人生に意味を与えるものです。人間が出口のない迷路に迷い込んでしまった時に、そこから出るために、元の地点に帰ることは必要であったのです。危険な退廃主義や崩落から文明を救うために、この力は必要だったのです。

しかし、「二十世紀という時代が人間にしてくれた貢献」として評価をしてしまうと、上のような扱いをする事は、「不適切な正当化」と言えます。必要なのは、「問題点はなにか」と言う視点で二十世紀を見ることです。今まであげた二十世紀の様々な現象の中に、精神性に結びつく確かなサインがなかったのでしょうか。コントロール出来ていない「大地の力の数々'revolt of the earthly forces'」を精神的なものに変容して行くことは出来るのでしょうか。それはどうすれば可能なのでしょうか。

Before answering these questions, however, we need to make sure we know what we mean by the word 'spirit' As the Chinese sages of old rightly said, and as the new science of semantics is reaffirming, before any serious study, any exchange of ideas and any productive discussion, there must first be an agreement about the terminology to be used, i.e. we must state what we mean when we use certain words. How often we set out solemnly, lance poised, to tilt at windmills! And how often we unconsciously create a caricature, an unreal image of an adversary, a theory or an idea, and then claim a victory which is as easily won as it is futile!


If there is any word that lends itself readily to misunderstanding and confusion, it is this word 'spiritユ. And this is not surprising; if we misunderstand and misuse other words, referring to more definite, more generally accessible facts and concepts, how much easier it will be for such mistakes to arise--as has and continues to happen-about a word that refers to so lofty a reality, so difficult a grasp and to experience, and almost impossible to define in rational terms. One only realizes how difficult this is when one comes to attempt an explanation or definition. Let us look first at what 'spirit' is not.

世の中で最も誤解と混乱を起こしやすい言葉があるとしたら、それは「spirit =精神性」という言葉ではないでしょうか。これは驚くことではありません。もっと意味の狭い一般的な言葉や概念でも、間違って理解され使われたら、混乱は簡単に起こるでしましょう。「高尚な現実」に関する言葉の場合、把握することも経験することも困難です。そして、合理的な言葉で定義することもほとんど不可能です。ですから、最初に「精神性spirit」ではないものについて見てみましましょう。

There is often confusion between spirit and intelligence, a confusion which is not helped by the ambiguity of the words esprit in French and Geist in German, which can be used to refer to these very different realities. In other circumstances the word spirit is used in the sense of psyche or the psychological side of our make-up. It is used, for instance, in the expression 'the spirit of the timesユ even when talking about times that are not at all spiritual!

しばしば、「spirit (精神性)」と「intelligence (知識・知性)」の間には混乱があります。その混乱は、言葉のもつ曖昧性という事だけでは解決つきません。フランス語の「espritエスプリ」とドイツ語の「Geistガイスト」という言葉は、非常に違ったものを指すことがあります。時には、「spirit」という言葉は、psycheという意味で使われることがありますし、心理的学的な意味で使われることがあります。例をあげるならば、「時代の精神=ガイスト」と使われる事がありますが、時には、「spirituality(精神性)」のない内容についても、「spirit」が使われます。


In our attempt to accurately define the meaning of the word 'spirit' we need to make a clear distinction between what is in essence its ultimate reality, and what are its various manifestations, i.e. the characteristic by which it is revealed to us, the ways in which we perceive it and recognize it in ourselves, in others, in nature and in history.

「spirit (スピリット)」という言葉の意味を正確に定義しようという我々の試みの中で、「その言葉の究極のリアリティ(実体)はなにか」という事と、そしてそれが「どの様に表れているか」について区別しておく必要があります。すなわち、自分の文化の中で、異文化の中で、自然の中で、歴史の中で「どの様に知覚され、理解されるているか」という事について知っておく必要があります。

In itself the Spirit is the Supreme Reality when looked at in transcendent terms. In other words it is absolute, free from any limitations and concrete definition. The Spirit, then, transcends every restriction of time and space, every material limitation. The Spirit is essentially eternal, infinite, free and universal. This supreme, absolute Reality cannot be perceived with the intellect because it transcends the human mind; it can, however, be postulated in rational terms, cultivated intuitively, and experienced mystically to a degree.

「the Spirit (精神)」は、超越的な言葉として捉えると、「the Supreme Reality(崇高な実体)」です。言い換えると、絶対的であるゆえに、あらゆる限界や固定的な定義から離れているものです。その場合は「The Spirit (精神性)」は、時間や空間の制限を超え、物質的な制約を超えたものです。「the Spirit (精神性)」は、本質的に、永遠であり・無限であり・独立して存在し・普遍的です。この崇高で絶対的な実体(Reality)は、知力では知覚出来ないものです。というのは、「The Spirit (精神性)」は人間のマインド(the human mind)を超越しているからです。しなしながら、ある程度まで、理性的な言葉で推定できるし、直感的に育てる事で出来るし、神秘的な体験として感じることが出来るものです。

In light of the above let us now consider those manifestations of the Spirit that are more accesible to us and concern us more directly.

以上のような光をあてることにより、「The Spirit (精神性)」がどのように現れてくるか(manifestations)について考察してみましましょう。「The Spirit (精神性)が現れたもの(manifestations)」は、人間にとっては、もっとアクセスしやすいものですし、より、直接的にわれわれに関わってくるものです。

The Spirit is that element of transcendence, superiority, permanence, power, liberty, inner reality, creativity, harmony and synthesis in every manifestation, both individual and social. In man, therefore, the term 'spiritual' (to varying degrees) can be attributed to everything that compels him to transcend his selfish exclusivism, his fears, his inertia and his love of pleasure, everything that urges him to discipline, control and direct those untamed forces, instincts and emotions that seethe within him, everything that induces him to recognize a greater, superior reality, social or ideal in nature, and to become one with it, extending the limits of his own personality.

「The Spirit (精神性)」は、人や社会などのあらゆるものの中に、「超越・崇高さ・永遠性・力・自由さ・内的実存・創造性・調和・統合」として存在している「要素」です。それ故に、人間の中に「spiritual」という言葉は(違ったレベルで)、「利己的な排他主義・恐怖・ものぐさ・そして快楽を愛する事」などを「克服しようという力をもたらすもの総て」であり、「なだめられていない力・潜んでいる本能・感情」を、「コントロールし律しようとするをもの総て」と考えることができます。「より偉大で・優れた実体(Reality)・より社会的で理想的なものに導くもの総て」です。そして「個人の限界や個性を超えて、そういう存在と「ひとつに融合したい」と願うようにし向けるもの総てと考えることができます。


★----In this sense the following are---- to an extent---spiritual manifestations:


★-----courage, in that it overcomes the self-reservation instinct;


★------love and devotion to another human being, to one's family, country or to humanity in general, in that it overcomes selfishness ;


★-------the sense of cooperation, social conscience, solidarity; 


★--------the sense of responsibility;


★-------disinterest, and even more devotion and sacrifice;


the will in its true sense, as the principle and power of self-control, choice, discipline and synthesis;understanding, i.e. the widening of our sphere of awareness, sympathetic identification with others, with other manifestations of the universal life----and above all an understanding of this universal life, a recognition of its meaning and purpose, recognition of an intelligent, wise and loving Will and Power from which the universe originates, by which its evolution is directed, and which is guiding it towards a glorious goal.

 本当の意味での意志、すなわち「自己コントロール・選択・規律・シンセシス(統合化)」のための「原則」と「力」。例えば、他人に対しての「気づきと同情の範囲」を拡げることです。さらに、「他のかたちを持って現れている普遍的(universal)なライフ(いのち)」対する「気づきと同情の範囲」を広げることです。「ライフ(いのち・生活・生き方・人生)」の意味と目的を発見することです。『知的で賢明で愛に満ちた「意志 Will 」と「パワー(力) Power」』に対する理解です。この「意志」と「パワー(力)」によって宇宙が始まり、生命の進化がおこり、光り輝くゴールに宇宙を導くに到ったもの、そういう存在に対する。それに対する認識と理解です。

★Not all these manifestations of the spirit have the same value, in other words, they are relative to the individual or group in which they are revealed. Thus what may represent transcendence, the overcoming of weaknesses or liberation for one individual or for one group of people, may only be a limitation, a barrier and a passive experience for another individual or group, so that it has nothing more than an anti-spiritual effect. It is not possible here to pin labels on people or to make absolute, unchanging judgements.

「The Spirit (精神的なモノ)」によって生まれたさまざまな形のもの(manifestations)が、全く同じ価値を持っているというのではありません。個人や集団によって「あらわれた様相(manifestations)」に対する価値の置き方は、相対的に変わってきます。ある個人や集団にとって「超越する事・弱さを乗り越える行為・一人の個人や一つの集団を解放する事」の為に表現される方法は、違った個人や集団にとっては「壁・障害・消極的なもの」としてしか評価されない事もあります。そういう場合は、「The Spirit (精神的なモノ)に反する効果」としてしか捉えられないものです。人々に対して評価のラベルを付けて回ったり、絶対的で変わることのない裁定(judgements)をする事は「しては良い(pobbible)な事」ではないのです。

★We are dealing with an aspect of life which is characterized by marked differences, operating in time and space, expressing in a material world, and thus in an area where there are relationships, perspectives, scales of values, an area defined by hierarchy and development. Thus the physical courage with which one faces dangers is a genuine expression of spirituality, but it is primitive and elementary when compared with moral courage.

私たちがこの本で扱っているのは、さまざまな違いをもって現れている生命(life)の現れ方(aspect)です。時代と場所により、物質世界での顕れ方に、おおきな違いができます。ある地域では、「つながりかた」「展望(見方)」「大切さの尺度に」独自性があります。ある地域では、「spirituality(精神的なモノ)」は、「階層化され・発展の過程(プロセス)があるもの」として定義されています。この様な相対性がありますから、「肉体を張って危険なものに立ち向かう勇気」は、「spirituality (精神性)」の本当の現れではありえます。ります。「モラルのレベルで行われる勇気」と比べると、原始的で初歩的であるといえます。

★Love for one's family, which can take a man out of his selfish isolation, causing him to accept duties and responsibilities, is a valid form of spirituality, but it is somewhat limited when compared with a love, solidarity and devotion directed at a whole nation, with its millions of individuals, at a community, or even at the whole of humanity.

「自分の家族に対する愛ゆえに、個人の利己主義を離れて、兵役義務や責任を受け入れること」は、「spirituality (精神性)」の確かな形です。しかし、「国やコミュニティやそこにすむ何百万もの人々や、人間性全体にたいする愛や思いやりや献身」と比べると、いくらか限定されたものと言えるでしましょう。

To avoid misunderstanding, however, it should be pointed out here that these ever wider spheres of spiritual life do not cancel or exclude the preceding ones, indeed they assume them. It is only by progressive stages that man is able to recognize and realize the various forms of spirituality.

誤解されないように指摘しておきたいのですが、いま挙げたようなより広い意味での「spiritual life(精神性のある生き方)」が、「より範囲の小さい生き方」の値打ちをなくしたり、排除したりすものではなく、それらをより確かなものにするものです。段階を追って進んで行く事によって、人間は「spirituality (精神性)」の様々な現れ方を認め・実現して行くものです。



★Now that we have defined the main areas of spirituality, and allowing for the fact that we could only give a brief indication, we will now go on to consider whether any of these have been exercised in the twentieth century.

From this broader, more profound perspective, the twentieth century is seen in a very different light. We become aware that the release of the earthly forces, which occurred in the two world wars and in the various revolutions that have taken place since, gave rise to countless acts of valour and courage, both individual and collective, self-sacrifice, solidarity and altruism.

ここまで「spirituality (精神性)」の中心となるものについて述べました。それの現れ方については簡単にしか示していません。それで、ここでは、「spirituality (精神性)が、二十世紀に実行されてきたかどうか」について考察して行きます。

このより広くて・よりはっきりとした展望を持って,二十世紀を違った光りをに当てて見ることが出来ます。人類は「the earthly forces(=この世的な力)」を解放してやる事に気がついています。二つの世界大戦とそれに続くや様々な革命のなかで、個人のレベルや集合化された(collective)レベルにおいて、「自己犠牲を払った・連帯をもった・利他主義の勇気ある行動」が数えられないほど取られたのです。

★It is observed that for millions of primitive individuals physical courage, the disdain of danger, resistance to pain, the acceptance of hardships, solidarity and devotion have been the forms of spirituality most appropriate for the levels to which they could be expected to rise. It is unfair----and reveals a lack of understanding, indeed a lack of spirituality----for others to claim forms and types of spirituality for which they lack the necessary maturity, and for which they even lack the necessary means and psycho-physical organs of expression.

数百万にも及ぶ原始的な段階の人たちにとっては、「肉体をつかった勇気・危険を顧みないこと・苦痛を忍ぶこと・困難を受け入れること・連帯感と献身等」は、自分たちの果たすことのできるレベルでの「spirituality (精神性)」を体現する初歩的な「方法」でした。『他人の「spirituality (精神性)」の体現の仕方や手段』について、「成熟度が欠けている・表現のために必要な言葉や思考の手段を持っていない」等とクレーム付ける事は、公平ではありません。そんな発言をする人間の方が「理解すること」と「spirituality (精神性)」が欠けている事を曝露しています。

★Thus for millions of individuals those experiences, those basic acts, brought about a considerable acceleration of the development of their personality. One thinks of a peasant in 1914, Locked up within narrow confines of his monotonous, uneventful life that was more of a vegetable existence than a human one, limited to the satisfaction of very few basic instincts and interests, the only highlights of his life being the close ties with the family. One then imagines this same peasant caught up and overwhelmed by the turmoil of war, trained in the various activities of military life, thrown together with fellow soldiers and officers, enemies and allies, exposed to bombings, enduring the hardships of the trenches, enjoying victories, suffering defeats, sworn to discipline and self-control, sick and wounded, in contact with a thousand different faces of life ... What a difference from the life he was used to! What an expansion of his experience of life, and what an expansion of his mind!


★Let us move on to consider the mechanical and technical developments of our civilization. As we have already mentioned, it is outwardly materialistic. But we need first of all to consider the treasures of intelligence, tenacity and will-power, as well as the hardships, risks, and sacrifices endured by man in order to achieve his present dominion over matter. Then there is the raising of the general standard of living. Finally there are the great benefits to be had from this dominion over matter: the freeing of man from the most irksome and demeaning of tasks, the reduction in working hours, and the opportunity this provides to have time and energy for cultural, artistic and spiritual activities.


★Another feature of the twentieth century which appears to be anti---spiritual, but which contains vital seeds and has actually already produced spiritual fruit, is the way the collective, social aspect of life is gaining ground over the individual aspect.

二十世紀のもう一つの様相があります。それは、一見すると「spirituality(精神性)」に反しているように見えますが、その中には、活気に満ちた種と言うべきものを秘めています。それが、すでに、現実に、「spiritual fruit(精神的な成果)」を産み出しているのです。それは、集合的(collective)・社会的なあり方が、個人の人生の下地となりつつあることです。

★Here too appearances show us the worst side. The mass of humanity is primitive; their predominance seems to threaten the higher spiritual values. But we need dispel a great mistake in our thinking at this point: the amorphous mass of the crowd is one thing, but the organized, collective initiatives and the new forms of social life that are developing within the various national bodies are another. They are not only different, they are opposites.


★The crowd is atomistic, indifferent, regressive and atavistic: the individual is lost or diminished in a crowd. It may give the illusion of liberty, but it is actually ruled over by demagogues. The organized collective is organic, finding its expression in ever broader---based, hierarchical groups, so the individuals in it are at one and the same time being directed and giving direction to others. They are on both the giving and receiving end of orders: they learn to obey and to command. They have clear-cut, effectively formulated duties, responsibilities and powers.


There are, however, mixed aspects to this new social life. There are many undeveloped, undistinguished individuals who bring to these new social groups the same old passive attitudes they had under the old system. But this is inevitable: they would have been like this in any case.


★We need to openly recognize the danger of the excessive predominance of the collective, social element over the individual element. There must be a balance between the two, or better still what Keyserling calls a 'creative tensionユ.

私たちは、オープンな態度で、集団や社会レベルの事柄が、個人(レベルの事柄)に過度な負担をかけてしまう危険性を、知らないといけません。二つの間にバランスがないといけません。あるいは、Keyserling が 「creative tensionc創造的な緊張」と呼ぶ良い形での静止状態です。

Returning to the problem of the human masses, it is important that people be transferred as quickly and effectively as possible from the crowd, or 'flockユ to the group. This is essentially a problem or task of individual and social education, a responsibility and clear duty of the more developed, spiritually aware groups.


This raises us to a higher, more distinguished level of spiritual life. And here we have to face the problem of the role and function of the elite the 'spiritual aristocracy' The tasks are great and pressing for all that. It is a matter of containing, controlling and disciplining the earthly forces so that they do not erupt into waves of destruction, of elevating and channelling people's elementary spirituality, that barely conscious spirituality of the masses, mixed with earthly concepts, and encouraging them to express it in ever more conscious, higher, purer, and more constructive ways. It is also a matter of creating a new form of art for the people, but not 'popular' art in the bad sense of the word .

これが「spirituality(精神性)」のある「ライフ(いのち・生活・生き方・人生)」のレベルを、もっと高くはっきりとしたものにします。ここに、と言おうか、精神的に選ばれた人達(貴族)の「働きと役割」の課題に向かわないといけません。役割は偉大である故に差し迫っているのです。それは、「the earthly forces(この世俗的な力)」を容器に閉じこめコントロールし律する事です。そうする事により、「the earthly forces(この世俗的な力)」が破壊の波となり暴発する事のないようにする事です。また、人々の「よちよち歩きの精神性」を高めて、たどれる道筋をつけて行くことです。この事が、群衆の「spirituality(精神性)」をなんとか気づかせる方法です。現世利益的な考えと混じりながらも、より意識化され、より高められ、純化され、より実りある方向で発揮されるように、勇気づけてやることです。それはまた、「人々のために新しい形態のアートを創り出すこと」でもあります。とはいえ、悪い意味での、「流行っては、廃れて行くアート」というのではありません。

These may seem very demanding tasks to perform, but we should remember how great the moulding, creative power of the spirit is. Moreover the crowds, because of their passivity, are very receptive and ready to be moulded. Carlyle and others have shown how heroes and geniuses have woven themselves into the fabric of a whole nation, culture or century, transforming them by their influence.

こう言ったことは、実行に移すのに、多大なことが要求される課題のように思われるかも知れません。しかし、覚えておかないといけないのは、「the spirit (精神)」の持つ形成し創造してゆく力とは、いかに偉大であるかということ、さらに、群衆は、消極的であるという事が原因で、受け身であり、容易にだれかによって形成されてしまうことです。Carlyleや他の人たちは、英雄や天才達が、「国や文化や世紀という織物全体」の中に自分たちを織り込み、自分たちを、変容させてきたかを示しています。

★The new means of communication now available to us make it even easier and faster for us to exert such influence, and more extensively at that. The scarcity of these higher beings is compensated most remarkably by the single-minded, organized collaboration of groups of men of good will who are spiritually aware and active.


Moreover, even though it is true that heroes, sages and geniuses cannot be mass-produced, if we seek out those who are highly gifted and provide them with an appropriate form of education, it will be possible---using educational methods based on the new integrated psychosynthetic techniques---to greatly encourage the blossoming of the considerable latent potential of the superconscious and the spiritual Self.

さらに、「英雄や聖人や天才というのは大量生産されない」というのは事実ですが、高度に才能のある人たちを見つけだして、適切な教育を提供することにより、(新しい統合されたサイコシンセシスのテクニックを元にした教育法を使うことにより)可能です。「super-conscious超意識」や「the spiritual Self(精神性である自性=自己」の秘められた可能性が花開くように、大いにガイドし勇気を注入する(en-gourage)する事は出来ます。

★It is essential then that such agreements and areas of joint activity be established among spiritual workers as quickly and as effectively as possible. But before speaking about the training of this elite, it would be helpful to consider other characteristics of twentieth century spirituality.


At the very beginning of this century there arose, in every aspect of our culture, a series of lively movements reacting against the materialist and positivist tendencies that held sway in the 1800s. In the biological sciences the mechanistic interpretation of Darwinian evolution was ousted by broader concepts. Great changes were taking place in medicine: the purely anatomical and pathological approach, which placed such great emphasis on external pathogenic agents (e.g. microbes) and on local lesions was giving way to a dynamic understanding of life as a whole, an approach which took account of the individual's overall make-up and of the effect of psychological and spiritual forces on the body.

今世紀の最初に、われわれの文化のなかのすべての局面で、1800年代に支配的だった物質主義や積極論を主張する人達に対して活発に反抗する一連の動きがありました。生物学の分野では、ダーウィン派の進化論が機械的に解釈される事が排除されました。医学の分野においても大きな変化が見られました。純粋に解剖学的かつ病理学的なアプローチ(微生物などの外部からの病理的な正体を探すことや、病気の局部に病因を探すこと)から、「life as a whole全体としての生命」としてダイナミックに理解して行くという方法に変わって行きました。そういうアプローチをも認めるというように代わってきました。「ひとりの人間としての特性」と「心理学的な力やspiritualな力が個人の身体に影響を与える事の効果」が考慮に入れられるようになったのです。

The effect, indeed at times the supreme power, of mental and spiritual energies was studied and proven indisputably by the new science of parapsychology. Serious, rigorously carried out studies demonstrated the existence of para-normal and super-normal phenomena and powers. According to such eminent scientists as the physiologist Richet, the physicists Lodge, Barrett and several others, the survival of the individual psyche after death of the body was demonstrated with a high degree of probability. p201

超心理学の分野においては、メンタルで「spirituality(精神性)」のエネルギー(時としては崇高な力)のおよぼす影響について研究され、証明されました。 厳密に行われた研究の結果が超常現象の存在を認めました。生理学者のRichet, 物理学者のLodgeや Barrett などによると、肉体の死後にも個人の精神が存在する可能性が高いという実験結果が報告されています。

However, the most triumphant and decisive offensive of the scientific front was perhaps in physics, which literally caused the 'matter' of the materialists to vanish before their astonished eyes---the matter to which they had attributed certain characteristics of mass, density and inertia. Not only did the physicists resolve matter into energy, they even showed that all energy---related phenomena obey complex, well-defined mathematical formulae. This meant -- and they freely confessed as much - that the basis of all those varied phenomena was nothing more than a thought process, since a mathematical formula is essentially thought, reason and spirit. This demonstrated the truth of the brilliant intuition of ancient philosophy when it stated: 'God performs in geometry.'



In the field of philosophy the metaphysics of the positivists and the rationalists was effectively countered by the various idealistic movements, by the spiritualist revivals and by the strong anti-intellectualist currents, whose attitude was most typical of the new generation.

哲学の分野で、the positivistsや合理主義者達の形而上学的な議論に対して、効果的に、反論がなされました。様々な理想主義的運動、精神性を復興さそうという運動、知識主義に強く反対する流れにたいする反論でした。そう反論する人たちの態度は、新しい世代の典型的なものであったと言えます。

One discipline in particular, which stands between the natural sciences and philosophy, i.e. psychology, has undergone a rapid and eventful development during this century. Having been subject initially to positivism, it is now rapidly freeing itself from such ties, and is heading in a broader, more spiritual direction.


In the area more specifically equated with spiritual and religious matters, the twentieth century has taken great strides forward in the development of its thinking. We can point out three main trends here and these are becoming more widespread and gaining strength.


1 . The move towards expansion, universality and synthesis. Anti-intellectualism has affirmed itself here too in the form of anti-dogmatism and anti-formalism. There is now a growing recognition of the relative nature of every doctrinal formula and every formal systematization, as people's understanding of the indicative, symbolic nature of such teaching increases. Thus the former doctrines are not denied or suppressed, but put in their proper perspective.

1. より大きな視野に立つこと、より普遍的になる事、シンセシス(統合)しようという方向に動いています。反知識主義とは、ここでは、教義主義に対する反対運動の事であり、公式至上主義に対する反対運動として認識されています。今では「一つ一つの教義の公理や形式的な制度化には、相対的な性質がある」という認識が生まれつつあります。「教義などに関して、言葉やシンボルを使った表現方法には、相対的な性質がある」という理解が人々のあいだに深まっているのです。このようにして、今までの教義が否定されたり押さえ込まれたのではなく、より適切な見方がされるようになったのです。

A great spurt in this direction has been the increased knowledge, in depth or through general exposure, of the spiritual ideas of other peoples, particularly those of eastern philosophies, and most significantly those from India. One might say that a real cultural and spiritual synthesis has taken place between East and West, the extent and consequences of which may be very far-reaching: they may result in the unification of humanity, not so much formally and externally, but an essential, inner unification.


2. The second trend is that of inner awareness or direct spiritual experience. This manifests itself in the growing interest in mysticism and in the methods of inner discipline and conquest: concentration, meditation, yoga, etc.


3. The third trend is that of bringing spirituality into one's everyday life, be it at an individual level or at a more general level.

3. 三番目の潮流は、「spirituality(精神性)」を、個人のレベルや、より一般的なレベルで、毎日の生活の中に持ち込むということです。

There are another two facts of fundamental importance:

1. People are moving towards an integrated form of spirituality which includes the whole man, without any water-tight compartments, any opposition between heart and mind, between body and soul, between inner life and the outward life-a spirituality which extends to the social life (we can call this spirituality psychosynthesis);


1.人々は、統合された「かたち」の「spirituality(精神性)」に向かっている事です。それは「人間を全体として捉えている事」です。部分に分けることなく、ハートとマインドを分けることなく、「からだ」と「たましい」を分けることなく、「内面的な生活」と「外面的な生活」に分けることなく、捉える事です。「個人の生活から社会生活の面にかかわるspirituality(精神性)」です。(私たちは、それを「spirituality(精神性)」なサイコシンセシス と捉えています。)

2. We are witnessing a growing number of human beings involved in the rapid increase of endeavour and research in the field of spiritual awakening. In most cases this may not be immediately apparent because we are dealing with inner matters that most people prefer to keep to themselves. But I can quote an important witness to this -- the testimony of the psychologist and psychiatrist C.G. Jung who, in one of his books with the significant title Modern Man in Search of a Soul, makes the following statement:

2. 私たちは、より多くの人たちが、「spirituality(精神性)の目覚め」に関して実践や研究に、取り組んでいる事に注目しています。多くの場合、すぐには目に付かないかもしれません。というのは、これは内面的な取り組みであり、ほとんどの人々は、自分の内面に秘めておきたいと望んでいる部分でもあるからです。私は、C.G. JungのModern Man in Search of a Souという本の一説を引用したいと思います。


Over the last 30 years people have come to consult me from all corners of the earth. I have treated many hundreds of sick people ... Among those in the second half of their lives, that is to say those who were over 35 years old, there has not been one whose problem was not, in the final analysis, the question of finding a religious viewpoint on life.



We might well say that mankind as a whole is not only in the middle of an economic, political and social crisis, it is also in a profound spiritual turmoil, even though many are not willing to recognize this consciously. Indeed, many sick, troubled people are unaware of the deep cause of their illness until they are helped to understand it.


This inner turmoil or striving is the greatest sign of nobility in our times and represents, at the same time, the greatest hope and promise for the future.


As observers with the greatest insight see it, this is nothing less than the travail which will lead to the birth of a new type of civilization, the advent of a new era in man's history.


Against this general background we can understand the urgent needs of the hour and take determined steps to meet them. Let us make a close examination of the situation. The present time is a very difficult one. It is a period of transition.


Here, in summary form, are some of the problems and tasks to be tackled.



1 . To understand what is going on. This is the essential starting point.

2. To endure and put up with the various kinds of hardships, reactions, knocks and inconveniences involved.

3. To actively collaborate in construction of the new civilization. In other words, to become builders.

1. 何が起こっているか理解すること。これが、本質的なスタート地点であります。

2. 関連する様々な種類の困難・反動・衝突・やりづらさに対して、忍耐力を付けて耐え抜くことであります。

3. 新しい文明の構築に向かって、活発に共同作業を行うことであります。言い換えると、ビルダー(建設者)になることであります。

As with any building, this cannot be achieved by isolated individuals. Hence the need, stated earlier, for the formation of an elite or groups of 'spiritual workers' These groups need to have new characteristics: they must be free, flexible and universal.

建築と同じように、バラバラの個人では達成できません。それ故に、すなわち、前に述べたようにリーダーや スピリチュアル・ワーカーのグループ群が出来る必要があります。こういうグループは、新しい特色を持っていなければなりません。、彼らは、自由であり・柔軟であり・普遍的でなければなりません。

The union resulting from these groups will be entirely internal in nature, based on a common understanding, a common zeal and a common urge to serve humanity, but there must be complete freedom in terms of particular concepts, methods and the areas of activity. This union will have the nature of a deep friendship and a spiritual brotherhood, not that of an external organization. The function of this elite will be to provide guidelines, encourage initiatives, educate, enlighten and lift people up to a higher level in all areas of life and human activity. The scope here is immeasurable. This is what Hermann Keyserling has to say on the subject:

こういったグループからのユニオン(結びつき)は、全くの「内なる自然性(nature)」による「もの」になるでしましょう。「共有された理解・熱意・人間性に奉仕しようとこみ上げる熱意」に基づいております。しかし、「概念」・「手法」・「活動の領域」に置いては、完全な自由度が必要であります。このユニオン(結びつき)は、「深い友情」と 「spirituality(精神性)の面での兄弟意識( brotherhood)」という性格が必要です。けっして、外面的な団体が持つ束縛ではありません。このエリートの持つ役割とは、「ライフ(いのち・生活・生き方・人生)」のあらゆる分野や活動範囲で、人々にガイドラインを提供し、イニシアチブをとることを勧め、教育を提供し、光を当て、高揚させることです。ここでの視野の広さは計ることが出来ません。これは、Hermann Keyserlingが述べていることであります。

The whole of the hereditary organism is disconnected and disturbed; the soul is opening up in a natural way; a remoulding is taking place in terms of the spiritual die which will give it its new form. It is precisely this tremendous potential, glimpsed and perceived by millions of people, when it comes down to it that feeds all the enthusiasm, all the zeal and all the sacrificial commitment we see at work in countries where revolution is happening. And the reason for this is that man -- even if he is preoccupied with earthly matters and values -- is essentially Spirit . . .

遺伝をかさねきた生物全体は、切り離されて乱れた状態にあります。魂は、自然な方法で開かれていくのです。「the spiritual dies」という事を通じて、再形成され新しいかたちになって行くのです。

このことは、まさに、大きな潜在する可能性であり、数百万もの人によって認識されています。この蓄えられた可能性が、変革がおこっている国では、あらゆる熱意や熱望をもって犠牲的に取り組んでいる事の源となっています。理由(reason)としては、「この世的」なモノや価値観に支配されていたとしても、人間というのは、、本質的には Spiritであります。

There is clearly a unique possibility, at this stage in our history, for the Spirit to take a giant leap forward in its ongoing process of breaking into the earthly order of things. From this point on it will all depend on the spiritual, and thus personal, initiative of men and women.

今のわれわれの歴史の段階には、はっきりとしたユニークな可能性があります。というのは、「スピリット(the Spirit)は、spirituality(精神性)」という視点から、大きな飛躍をすることが出来ます。「この世的earthly」な秩序に、割り込みを入れるプロセスとして、spiritualなレベルで、個人的レベルで、イニシアチブ(物事を開始する事)という課題です。

If this is the case-and there are a great many of us who are convinced it is so --- it is our fervent wish and firm intent that all awakened souls, all enlightened minds and all generous hearts be worthy of the wonderful opportunity before us, so that the glorious new Era of the Spirit can be ushered in.

この課題は、非常にたくさんの人達すでに確信していることです。「あらゆる目覚めた魂soul 」や「光を体験した意識(マインドmind )」や「寛容なハートheart 」にとって、この事は、熱望であり確固とした意図です。現在の出来事は、新しい「spirituality(精神性)の時代」の先導となる、取り組むに値するすばらしいチャンスです。


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